Welcome to day 21 of Tag Sale Tastes’ Pumpkinpalooza!

Today I tried a Fiber One 90 Calorie Soft Baked Pumpkin Bar:


The ingredients include pumpkin flakes (first time I’ve seen that), cinnamon, and spice (I wonder what the spices other than cinnamon were, and why they weren’t identified.  I hate secrets — don’t you?):


Each box contains 6 individually-wrapped bars:


And here’s what one looks like:


These are smaller than the package would lead you to believe — not much bigger than a Fig Newton.  They were soft and had that gummy texture that low-calorie baked goods tend to have.  They had a slight orange color, accented by the pale orange icing zig zags (which were puzzling, seeing as the one on the package had white icing). These were OK, nothing special, and you really had to concentrate to believe they were pumpkin bars.  My kids and I like most of the other Fiber One varieties, including lemon, coffee cake, and chocolate mint — they’re great to tuck in a lunchbox or in a backpack for a quick snack.  The pumpkin ones were definitely on the lower end of the Fiber One flavor spectrum.

Rating:  2-1/2 pumpkins (out of 5)