I found this vintage war poster at an estate sale.  I hung it in my office, as a tribute to myself.  After all, I was a nurse in a former life, and, well, the rest is obvious.  🙂

So what did I do to deserve being chosen (by myself) as “The Greatest Mother in the World?”  Well, if you asked my teenage kids today, they would probably say “nothing.”  But I have actual documentary proof that at one time in their lives, I was, indeed, The Greatest Mother in the World in their eyes.

For example, there is this loving tribute from my son when he was around 6 or 7 years old:

001 (12)

See!  I was nice, giving, irreplaceable, always doing things for him, etc.  Oh, and let’s not forget #7:


Interactive?  Like some kind of Mom-bot?  But hey, if that’s what it takes to be The World’s Greatest Mother, I’ll be interactive.

I have evidence from my daughter too.  In her young eyes, I was not only royalty, but I was bright, funny, cleaning, and working nights (huh?):

001 (3)

But wait, there’s more:

002 (2)

Mostly truthful?  Wonder what it was I lied about?  Didn’t she think I was telling the truth when I told her she was the smartest, prettiest, funniest, most loving child on the planet?  Then there’s this wonderful anagram of my name:


Nice mom, A woman, New York in third grade, Cookies, Yarn knitters — as the song goes, put them all together they spell N-A-N-C-Y.  I had to ask where the “yarn knitter” came from, seeing as I’ve never knit, crocheted, or even macramed a thing in my life.  She said it was the only adjective she could come up with that started with a Y.  Guess “youthful” didn’t make the cut.  🙁  On the other hand, I suppose I should be grateful that “yucky,” “yellow-bellied,” and “yappy,” also didn’t make the cut.

Going back to the poster — look at the pained expression on the face of The Greatest Mother in the World.


If you have kids, you’ve surely worn that face, probably more times than you care to admit.  It’s the one you wear when your kid isn’t invited to a party that all of their friends have been invited to.  Or when the coach only lets them bat once in 9 innings, and even then, tells them not to swing and not-so-secretly hopes they’ll get hit with the ball and walk to first base.  It’s the one you wear when your kid is crushed because they spelled “parfait” incorrectly and didn’t get to be in the Spelling Bee (“It wasn’t fair, Mom, they gave us a French word!”).  It’s the one you wear every time you have to flush a fishie or bury a birdie or hold last rites for a hamster.

Although that face got quite a workout when my kids were younger, it really doesn’t surface that much now that they are older (and middle school is, thankfully, in the rear view mirror).  They’re old enough to handle their own disappointments now, and to brush off the small slights that seemed so huge not so long ago.

Inspired by The World’s Greatest Mother in the vintage poster, and seeing as today is the day we all celebrate our own Greatest Mother in the World, I made a batch of Shortbread Strawberries to bring to my mother-in-law today.  I made these for her many years ago, back when my kids were young and thought I hung the moon, and she had remarked then how pretty they were.  I wonder if she’ll remember them?  You can use any shortbread recipe — the one I used here is adapted from The Silver Palate.  The idea of the cookies is to resemble strawberries, not be strawberries, so don’t get too carried away trying to make them look perfect.

Recipe type: Cookies
  • 3 sticks butter, softened
  • 1 cup confectioner's sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 cups flour*
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Red coarse or sparkling sugar
  • Green coarse or sparkling sugar
  • Black coarse or sparkling sugar
  • *Note -- for extra crisp cookies, use 2 cups flour and 1 cup rice flour
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. In a medium bowl, cream together butter and confectioner's sugar, using an electric beater. Stir in vanilla. Add flour and salt, and mix together thoroughly. Shape into a ball, flatten into a disk, wrap in plastic wrap or waxed paper, and refrigerate a few hours until firm.
  3. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough out to ½-inch thickness. Using a strawberry-shaped cookie cutter, cut out shapes and transfer to cookie sheet or tray. Sprinkle body of strawberry with red sparkling sugar, and leaves with green sparkling sugar. Carefully place a few black or brown sugar crystals on strawberry to resemble seeds. Using a spatula, transfer cookies to a cookie sheet (wipe off any stray sugar crystals around the bottom) and bake approximately 20 minutes. Cookies should not brown. Allow to cool briefly, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.


Ready for the oven


 Hot out of the oven


Happy Mother’s Day to all of The Greatest Mothers in the World!

Mirror, mirror on the wall

I am my mother, after all


This past weekend I attended an Herb Day Symposium presented by the South Texas Unit of the Herb Society of America.  The theme of this year’s symposium was  “A Bloomin’ Seminar:  Spring Herbs for Use and for Delight.”  Although I don’t have much of a yard, I’m able to grow a variety of herbs in pots set on a rack on my driveway, and I thought the seminar might be interesting.


Nice rack, huh?

This annual event is always a sellout, and I can see why.  The Herb Society pulled out all the stops for their symposium.  Before the program started and during breaks, we were treated to refreshments prepared by some of the members.  They were beautifully presented, and included large containers of herbal tea and flavored waters, herbed biscuits and muffins, muesli, loquat honey, elderberry jam, herbed butters and spreads, and fresh fruit:



Naturally, herbs were everywhere!  There were dozens of herb bouquets and whimsical arrangments:




A reminder, lest we forget why we were there:


There were three speakers.  The first speaker was Lynn Herbert, who authored and edited the most recent revision of the River Oaks Garden Club’s A Garden Book for Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast.  A whopping 672 pages, this book is full of useful information and gorgeous photos.


Next up was “For Use and Delight–Stunning and Aromatic Arrangements from the Herb Garden,” presented by Jay White, an organic gardener from Brenham, Texas.  (He has a popular blog — The Masters of Horticulture.)  He was an engaging speaker, and everyone enjoyed seeing him create an arrangement with the variety of herbs and flowers he brought from his garden.  (It also made me wish I had a real yard.)


 Jay White waving around yarrow

There was a wonderful box lunch from Canopy, that included tabouli, a corn and green bean salad, a petite sandwich on nut bread with a goat cheese, cranberry, pecan, and spinach filling, half of a very tasty wrap, and a citrus-glazed pastry (not sure on that one, actually –it had us all guessing).


During the lunch break, there was a tour of the Garden Center’s rose garden, which was in full bloom:




026Had to include a yellow rose — this is Texas, after all 

The final speaker of the day was Master Gardener Marian Buchanan, who talked about identifying and using edible flowers.  I got a few ideas from her that I am looking forward to trying.

Everyone left with a goodie bag, a seed packet or two from among the table decorations, a basil plant, and a bay leaf branch.  The gentleman next to me also managed to persuade Jay White to give him a few stalks of pink honeysuckle, which he hopes to root (and he promised to let me know if he is successful so I can hopefully get one).  There were lots of great door prizes, but it was not my lucky day.  But I did manage to score a cardamom ginger, Mexican mint marigold, and variegated scented geranium at the shop they set up, along with a pamphlet on making flavored vinegars, a few copies of the Houston Garden Book (for myself and for gifts), and a few packets of culinary herb blends.

The blend that intrigued me the most was one called Rosemary’s Cookies, and it consisted of dried rosemary, ground ginger, and ground cloves.


According to the package, “Baking these cookies, filled with ginger, cloves and molasses, will bring forth memories of your own grandmother’s kitchen.  However, it’s the lingering flavor of rosemary that will set your recipe apart for your own children, grandchildren or dearest friends.  After all, rosemary is the ‘herb of remembrance,’ and you are sure to be remembered for this recipe.”  Hey, I like to be remembered, so I whipped up a batch of Rosemary’s Cookies, using the recipe provided.  The cookies were a big hit here, even with the kids, although my husband advised that they are even better once you know that there’s rosemary in them and can stop wondering what it is that’s different about them.

Recipe type: Cookies
  • ¾ cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup molasses or Steen's cane syrup
  • 2-3/4 teaspoons Rosemary's Cookies blend (see Note)
  • 1-3/4 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Place butter and sugar in a medium bowl. Using an electric mixer, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and molasses. Stir in remaining ingredients.
  3. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto cookie sheet. Bake 12-14 minutes, until golden, and browned on bottoms. Allow to cool briefly on cookie sheet, then transfer to racks to cool completely.
  4. Note: If you are not lucky enough to be able to attend an Herb Society function and purchase their Rosemary's Cookies blend, similar recipes call for 2 teaspoons dried rosemary, ½ teaspoon ground ginger, and ¼ teaspoon ground cloves. I haven't tried this blend, but it sounds about right.


Ready for the oven


Have to resist eating them until they are cool


Hope I’m remembered for these